EN-About Nehoiu

Nehoiu Town is located in the north-west of Buzău County, having as a symmetry axis the upper course of Buzău River, at about 70 km upstream from the county capital and at 86 km from Brasov.

The most important sights you can visit in the area:

“Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe” Orthodox Cathedral
It was built between 1991-2008. The architect who made the plans was Carmen Magazin. On April 28, 2008, the cathedral was consecrated without painting by His Eminence, Bishop Epifanie Norocel, Bishop of Buzău and Vrancea. In 2013, the painting of the cathedral was consecrated, being made by Father Archdeacon Gabriel Sibicescu.

The Church under the patronage of the “Holy Emperors Constantine and Helen” is located on the right bank of the Buzău River, on the DN10 road, Buzău – Braşov, at 73 km. There are no documents regarding the construction of the church, not even a pisania. The dimensions of the place and the fact that icons and paintings were executed in several phases confirm that it is a village establishment. There are several assumptions that it would have been raised in 1743 according to the AEB (Buzău Episcopate Directory 1935, p.60), between 1837-1855 according to D. Ciobanu (1999, p. 505) or, in the opinion of the priest Gabriel Cocora (1979) in 1849.

Aluniş Wooden Church under the patronage of the “Beheading of St. John the Baptist”
According to a legend and a dictionary of the scholar Bazil Iorgulescu, printed in Buzău around 1891, this church was dug in stone in 1277 by the brothers Vlad and Simion, shepherds who were pasturing sheep on these lands. However, the first documented mention of the church dates back to 1647. By the architectural style and inscriptions in stone found here, this church is similar to the Basarabi (Dobrogea) Church Complex, to Agaton hermitage, and Nucu rupestral church. The three cells located next to the church date back around 1580, they being also dug in the rock. This church is one of the very few rupestral churches where priests still serve.

Cașoca Waterfall
Casoca Cascade, the most beautiful waterfall in Buzău County, is located 5 km from Siriu and about 10 km from the Siriu Dam, in Podul Calului Massif (Buzău Mountains), along the Caşoca River, with a 5- 6 meter waterfall.

Siriu Dam and Lake
It was necessary to relocate a community in order to allow the creation of the reservoir.
The construction of the dam lasted almost two decades between 1975 and 1994 and was carried out according to an innovative method for those times without cement, only with earth, stone, sterile and clay core.

Vulturilor Lake (Bottomless Lake)
The legend recorded in Alexandru Vlahuţă’s book “România Pitorească” tells us that near this lake the vultures were teaching their chicks to fly. The name “bottomless lake” comes from another legend about a shepherd who threw his bat in the lake and then he leaves away from these places. Later, he finds the same bat in the Danube, and this reminds him of his native places and makes him return home.

Mud Volcanoes
They are known as hazes, they are miniature volcanoes where the cones do not exceed 5-6 meters in height and their depth is much smaller, but the lava mud spread on the surface is a real show.

Colți Amber Museum
Amber, or yellow amber, is a translucent resin made up of several fossilized pine species, coloured mostly in yellow shades and formed 50-60 million years ago. The building is similar to a three-storey farmhouse: semi-basement, ground floor and first floor. It includes a collection of amber, as well as collections of crystal clusters, rocks, fossils and semiprecious stones, as well as documents on amber exploitation in the Curvature Carpathians.

Măgura Outdoor Sculpture Camp
This camp marks the 16 centuries of documentary attestation of Buzau, being so designed that for 16 years, 16 sculptors, always others, to work in Magura’s clearings and to leave a distinct work that represented them. It was officially opened in August 1970 and repeated until 1985.

Mihai Viteazul Fountain of Ciuta
The “Fountain” marks the place where the ruler and his army camped a night in October 1599. The monument is made by the sculptor Gheorghe Coman, one of the initiators of the Magura Outdoor Sculpture Camp.

Babele from Ulmet / The Living Stones of Ulmet
The first geographers who came into contact with these cliffs called them “Babele de la Ulmet”, because they are strikingly similar to those in the Bucegi Mountains. From a scientific point of view, the concretions are clusters of pebbles of different sizes, bound together by carbonate cement.

Cârnu Monastery is the oldest monastic settlement on the Buău Valley, dating back to the second half of the 16th century. The church is under the patronage of the “Holy Archangels Mihail and Gavriil” and was founded by the ruler Mircea Ciobanu and his wife, Mrs. Chiajna. It is here that the Holy Father Paisie Velicicovschi (from Neamţ) lived here for a while.

Ciolanu Monastery is the most important monastery of monks being built in the 16th century, on the site of an old hermitage, on the top of Ciolanu Hill, which then gave the name of the monastery. The tradition that Ciolanu Monastery was founded by Mrs. Neaga, the wife of the ruler of Wallachia – Mihnea II Tucitul (1585-1591), is very strong.

Rafting / kayaking on the Buzău River
A unique experience on the Buzău River from March to the end of October.
Adults, adolescents and children aged minimum 6 (accompanied by their parents) may take part into rafting tours on Buzău. There is no need for prior knowledge of this adventure sport. The degree of difficulty of the rafting tour is of medium level, and everything is carried out safely thanks to IRF’s certified tourist guides (International Rafting Federation).

Horse riding at Cislău Stud Farm
Its current form was born in 1945, with the aim of raising the English thoroughbred horses. Which makes it the first and only thoroughbred horse farm in our country. They are the kings of the gallop, powerful stallions, wanted for their performance in horse racing competitions. Since 2002, Romsilva is the manager of the stud farm, and equestrian courses and recreational activities are organized on the horse training base.

Mountain hikings / walks in Siriului Mountains, Podul Calului, Penteleu, through Nehoiu and its surroundings

Mountain-bike to Vulturilor Lake and Cașoca Waterfall

The Loom – at NehoiuNational Tourist Information and Promotion Centre (CNIPT)
You may try to unravel the threads of the loom – an old art of our grandparents revived within CNIPT Nehoiu.

Tasting Buzău traditional products: Pleșcoi Sausages, Buzău Pretzels, Pietroasele Wine, Saveloy and Beef Jerky, Plum Brandy.

Contacts – CNIPT Nehoiu:
Calea Mihai Viteazu Street, no. 43b, Nehoiu City, Buzau County
Facebook: Info Turism Nehoiu
0238.505.066/ 0762.061.945